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  2. Don Knotts, the lovable, fool of a sheriffs deputy, Barney Fife on the Andy Griffith Show has passed away at the age of 81. While remembered most for his bumbling Mayberry deputy role, I personally will always remember him as a fish, taking on German U-boats in 1964's The Incredible Mr. Limpet. (Click on the picture to enlarge). A tribute to Don Knotts can be posted over at mayberry.com.

    Darren McGavin has a list of roles that is long and varied, with IMDB showing 173 acting roles listed. For most of us, however, it is as Ralphie Parker's father in the holiday classic A Christmas Story that he is most remembered and revered. McGavin was 83 and died of natural causes.

    Both men will be missed by movie and TV fans, and At Home in Hespeler extends sincere condolences to the families and friends of both.

    I wish that the furnaces in heaven work, and the guns don't.

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  3. Life is funny. I was finding the blogging experience a bit disappointing this week. I wrote what I though was one of my better efforts. It was a satirical newspaper style piece making fun of possible ban on children's guns, called Grounding in Hespeler Toy Raid Expected. I linked up to it on Cannuckistan Chronicles and a few people came. Then nothing. I had 2 visitors Friday, 2 more yesterday, one of whom was my wife.

    A good wife (or husband) compliments their spouse, makes them better. So it is here at the Hespeler Towers. My wife hasn't looked much at the blog, but commented in Toy Raid post, implying I was grounded for all the weaponry found within our home. Then came the blogging Tories.

    This morning I received the an e mail from Paul at the Blogging Tories:


    Blog: Blue Blogging Soapbox
    Post: Blogging Tories Site of the Week
    Link: http://soapbox22.blogspot.com/2006/02/blogging-tories-site-of-week_26.html

    When I go to the site, what do I find:

    Make sure you read the Grounding in Hespeler Toy Raid Expected post, including the comments. Makes me wonder just who is getting grounded!
    My wife, making my blog look good by making me look bad. It's 10:30 AM, and I have had 16 visitors since 6:00. I am going to have a better day than the rest of the week combined. And instead of discouraged, I am ready to go, ready to blog my heart out. There's that wife, making me better.

    So if you are here from the Bloggng Tories, or from any where else, welcome. Look around, and enjoy your visit. I am glad you are here, and hope you return.

    And thank you to my wife and the Blogging Tories. I needed that!

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  4. This week I am going to cover one of, if not my absolute favourite under-rated, virtually unknown artists: Delbert McClinton. There's lots of good reasons to love Delbert McClinton, not the least of which is, how do you not love a guy called Delbert? It's just a cool handle, and the best name for a blues-man since Muddy Waters.

    Delbert has been around for years, playing the various circuits, honing his craft in country, blues and rock & roll. I discovered him in the early 90's, when a great, GREAT song got a tiny bit of local radio play. That song, Everytime I Roll The Dice led me to one of my all time favourite albums, Never Been Rocked Enough. Everytime I Roll The Dice is the lead off song for the CD, and it is a great piece of straight a head rock & roll. A great hook, a very danceable beat, and fun lyrics about a girl; what more can you ask for in a song? Throughout this CD, Delbert puts a very tight band through their straight up R&R paces. There is no weakness on it, with some true greats stuck in there: A cover of John Hiatt's beautiful Have A Little Faith In Me, the hilarious I Used To Worry the sexy Cease And Desist and two great blues, Miss You Fever & Blues As Blues Can Get. It also has another piece that got some airplay, probably more than Roll the Dice, a reggae inspired number called Stir It Up.

    This disc is loaded with subtle humour, The opening lyrics to I Used to Worry being a good example:

    Well, I used to worry where all my money had gone
    'Til I wound up with nothing to spend my money on
    I used to guard my time like diamonds and pearls
    'Til I wind up with nothing but all the time in the world

    Just to think I used to worry about things like that
    I used to worry 'bout rich and skinny 'til I wound up poor and fat
    Now days I kind of worry where my mind's been at
    Just to think I used to worry about things like that
    I have recommended this CD to a few friends through the years, and have been told every time how much they like it - if you are a fan of Rock & Roll the way it used to be played, back when we considered it dance music, then give this CD a try. It's a true gem.

    A great truth in life is when you have a gem like Never Been Rocked Enough in your collection, you try more of the same artist. I have been both pleased and disappointed by other offerings. Delbert had a country phase, and some success, which frankly does nothing for me. But I have heard another album from the later 90's which is a very solid effort, although with weaknesses. Then last fall I was in upstate New York
    for a guitar festival, and the local Walmart had his newest CD Cost of Living, for $9.99. I had to take a chance on it, and it paid off.

    Not as a complete album as Never Been Rocked Enough, Cost of Living is still good. The first half, One Of The Fortunate Few, Right To Be Wrong, I'’I'll Change My Style and Your Memory, Me, And The Blues are all excellent. The Spanish influenced
    Down Into Mexico I have on a magazine CD that celebrates people/songs that have been influenced by Bruce Springsteen. I would consider this a questionable choice, but I not an outrageous one. Delbert's sense of humour again comes through in the opening song One Of The Fortunate Few:

    Well, for one thing, there was a whole lot of guys
    That would have liked to have been in my shoes
    But the upkeep on a woman like that
    Will give an old poor old boy the blues
    Still the pleasure was worth the pain
    Of everything she put me through
    And I consider myself one of the fortunate few

    Yeah and another thing she wasn't just good looking
    Her imagination just wouldn't quit
    She'd make you do things you never thought about
    And things you wouldn't want to admit
    There must be somebody else out there
    That feels about her like I do
    And I consider myself one of the fortunate few

    The problem with this CD, for me anyway, is the second half veers into country. Not completely so, and it's new rock & roll tinged, listenable country, but it's not as good as the music that precedes it. I actually quite like I Had A Real Good Time, but the rest is simply not on par with the first half, and as such Cost of Living is not on par with Never Been Rocked Enough.

    That said, Delbert McClinton is a serious artist who has been around since the early 60's, and if anyone is looking for some great, reasonably unknown music, I couldn't recommend him enough.

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  6. I just love a woman who when she smiles, her whole face smiles:

    Chandra Crawford and Jennifer Heil - I love your smiles.

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  8. It seems Buzz Hargrove the esteemed (steamed) leader of Canadian Autoworkers Union, has decided not to appeal his booting from the NDP. From the Star:

    Buzz Hargrove, Canada's most prominent labour leader, says he won't try to rejoin the New Democratic Party after being suspended for supporting some Liberal candidates in the recent federal election.

    Hargrove, president of the Canadian Auto Workers union, said yesterday he won't appeal a decision by the Ontario wing of the NDP because it would give legitimacy to a process that was unfair to him.

    "There was no notification, no evidence presented to me and no hearing. I don't want to legitimize that sort of process," Hargrove said in an interview after receiving a letter from the NDP informing him of the suspension and appeal option.

    What's a Liberal to do? The irony is, Buzz has nailed on the head why he was kicked out - the NDP didn't want to "legitimize that sort of process" whereby it's own members go around telling people to vote for another party. Oh and Buzz, you can fume and stamp your feet all you want, but you were kicked out, you didn't leave. And we all know it.

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  10. Hespeler - Authorities today discovered a cache of illegal toys in the room of a local 8 year old boy. Among the toys discovered where a Chinese manufactured pump action water blaster 1000, a spider man web blaster and a Chinese made cap gun that authorities fear may have been purchased over the counter a dollar store. "The Water Blaster alone can deliver 1/2 a liter of water non-stop" said an adult at the scene "There were handcuffs too, and not the cheap plastic ones either, metal ones." Authorities also discovered a lone ranger mask, a tire iron for bicycles, 3 hockey pucks "of the kind that is sometimes used in 'chuck-a-puck' competitions", and an H2O Ammo water clip. Not shown in the picture was a Hurl, once used in an assault on a sister and a pointy stick, causing local mothers to fear that someone could lose an eye.

    The 8 year old will be sent to his room to wait 'til his father gets home. Further grounding is expected, with crown prosecutors wanting two weeks without TV, while child care experts say time served waiting for Dad is sufficient punishment.

    seized weapons are being tested to see if they are related to any unsolved soakings or frightenings of twitchy neighbours with loud 'bangy' noises.

    Here is a complete inventory of the confiscated booty:

    Elastic Gun
    Chinese manufactured Shield Blaster 1000 water soaker.
    Chinese manufactured Pump Action Water Gun
    H2O AMMO Water Clip
    Hot Wheels Jet Launcher, with Jet
    Spider man Web Blaster with holder
    Finger pointed in the classic gun position
    Bicycle Tire Iron
    3 "Chuck-a-Puck" style Hockey Pucks
    Plastic Bullets
    Plastic Holster
    2 Used Elastic Bands
    Irish Manufactured Hurl
    24" Pointy Stick

    Also found were:

    Wild Planet Spy Listener with attached ear phone
    Infra-pink Spy glasses/ Walkie Talkie
    Lone Ranger style mask
    Handcuffs and Coin Rollers and a couple of dollars in coins.

    I think that covers how I feel about this.

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