Saturday I will post pictures, plus a story on the rally.
I'm glad to see lots of blogs getting in the act: Jack's Newswatch is featuring it at top of page, and Right Girl to name two I have seen. Meanwhile Officially Screwed has videos of last weeks Ottawa rally (note the sea of red in the picture to the right):

And today's lead editorial from the Sun:
EDITORIAL: Let's show our soldiers a sea of red
Anyone who knows Sun columnist Joe Warmington can tell you, the guy wears his heart on his sleeve.
That's why he's asking you to show up at Yonge-Dundas Square in the heart of Toronto tomorrow at noon, wearing something red to show your support for our 2,500 soldiers in Afghanistan.
Bring a Canadian flag, wear a red tie, t-shirt, or cap. But most important, bring yourself.
Warmington has been organizing tomorrow's impromptu event ever since he proposed the idea in his column last Saturday, after thousands of Canadians attended a huge "Red Friday" rally for our troops last week on Parliament Hill.
The concept was started by two military wives.
"I hope there'll be a sea of people dressed in red so we can send that photo over to our soldiers in Kandahar," Warmington says.
Based on hundreds of supportive e-mails he's received over the past few days, Warmington says Canadians are looking for a way to publicly thank our soldiers.
"So many people have said: 'I'm just an ordinary person. I don't care about the politicians. I just want our soldiers to know I support them.'"
Radio stations CFRB 1010, AM 640 and Q-107 deserve kudos for getting behind the Red Rally right away.
Same goes for Police Chief Bill Blair and the Toronto Police Association -- who normally can't agree on anything. Even in the middle of a heated battle for the police union presidency, incumbent Dave Wilson and challenger Mike McCormack instantly agreed to lend the help of the TPA's media expert, Louise Gray.
Justin Van Dette, a young assistant to Coun. Bill Saundercook, immediately offered his help as well.
And Greyhound Canada VP Brad Shephard is pitching in. Greyhound had booked Yonge-Dundas Square months ago for a promotional event tomorrow, but Warmington says Shephard is doing all he can to ensure both events go smoothly. Bravo.
Finally, Warmington says while he and most people he's heard from support our mission in Afghanistan, he knows many others don't. He's asking them to come too, to show support for our troops, if not the mission, because "some things are bigger than politics."
Right on, Joe. And this is one of them. We hope to see you on the square tomorrow.
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