1. I noticed it first late last week. Blogging Tory sites expounding on how the opposition should be working with the Tories. The theme: "Do we really need another election now?" Then today, The Sun took another tack:

    Now Harper is lashing out at the Liberals for grinding his legislative agenda into the ground. The opposition has blocked major components of the government's legislation, including its crime and accountability bills.

    Ottawa is again abuzz with talk of a possible spring election. That would be the third trip to the federal polls for Canadians in four years. So where are the calls from the pundits demanding that the opposition politicians make Parliament work? Where are the dire warnings that the Liberals will be punished if they force Canada into another "unnecessary" election?

    But us Tories poo-pooed those arguments last time, why is it our argument this time? As The Sun themselves point out:

    Of course, as we learned this past January, the conventional wisdom preached by the nation's commentary class was entirely wrong. Harper's Conservatives kicked the Liberals out of power and won their own minority government.
    So why are we not hearing the same again now that the rolls have changed? Maybe because the argument was proven wrong last time.

    But then the letters of The Sun went further:


    The Stephen Harper government was elected based on campaign promises that include, among others, federal accountability, fiscal responsibility and tougher sentencing for violent criminals.

    Despite this mandate, the opposition parties have made a mockery of the system by fighting against the changes an elected government was put in place to enact.

    The (mostly Liberal-appointed) Senate has held up the Accountability Act for months.

    The costly and ineffectual long gun registry remains in effect due to Liberal fearmongering and calls for further gun bans, where diverted registry funds would be better served on frontline enforcement.

    The Bloc, Liberals and NDP have gutted the proposed changes to Harper's crime bill, making it essentially useless.

    At what point does the government start functioning as designed, and the greater interests of Canadians get put above those of the parties or those special interest groups that support them?

    The election of the Conservative minority government signaled a desire for change, change that has been continuously hampered by the opposition.

    Robert Moerman

    With a minority government the best you are really given is a mandate to try and govern, the Tories are doing that. The Liberals, NDP and Bloc never, ever said they would co-operate fully with a Conservative government (the Garth Party candidate, however, did). We Tories didn't respect the Liberal minority mandate a year ago, why should we expect it to be respected now? The Tories are governing as best they can, the opposition opposing as they see fit. When the Parliament becomes an unworkable stalemate, it should be dissolved and taken to the voters.

    Instead of complaining, we Conservatives, whether party members or just supporters, should be getting ready - because damn straight the opposition will be ready.

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  2. Tom Cochrane - No Stranger

    While I have never loved Tom Cochrane, I have always admired his work, and have a few songs on my must play list. For some reason, however, I am looking forward to this CD.

    You can get a sneak preview tonight on Q107, as John Derringer is doing a premier party at 10:00. If you aren't in the Toronto area, listen in on the Q107 web site.

    From A Singles Scene

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  3. The guy can sure give you a headache. Dalton that is. I've seen figure skaters do less twirling than this guy does:

    "A lot of those people who used to run Queen's Park, the ones who didn't get what it takes to succeed in the 21st century, they're back. They're running the federal government. It's kind of like a recurring nightmare," McGuinty told the closing rally of the Ontario Liberals' annual general meeting.

    "I'm increasingly concerned they still don't get it that they still don't understand that it takes more than competitive taxes alone to build a high quality of life in today's world."
    So, the federal Tories are the old Provincial Tories, who screwed up Ontario... Oh, except:

    "It's time to move beyond the childish blame game," he said of then-premier Ernie Eves's complaints about a lack of federal funding for the province's health care system and infrastructure. "We happen to believe that we've got to set aside differences and work together in the interests of Ontarians."

    That was 2003. Dalton was in opposition and Dalton was complaining that "the Flahertys and Bairds and Clements" were passing the buck and blaming Jean Cretien for what ailed them. He was right then: a governments job is govern. He's wrong now. Completely, totally, and in abeyance of his own advice, three years into his own administration, six months into a federal Tory administration, he's still blaming... Mike Harris.

    Mike Harris who sat this summer sat and gave testimony at the Ipperwash inquiry. Throughout the last campaign McGuinty promised the inquiry. One month into his reign of error, he called the inquiry into the past Ontario Governments handling of their Indian crisis at Ipperwash Provincial Park.

    The inquiry is not yet complete, the findings not yet found. Dalton, however, now wants the same Harrisites, "the Flahertys and Bairds and Clements" to bail him out in Caledonia.

    One tip Dalton. When you call people incompetent, it looks bad when you ask for their help. Like maybe you are even less competent. It look even worse when you do as they do, not as you say.

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  5. Mark Stein's book tour detours to the internet, with a two part streming video interview. Great stuff:

    Part 1
    Part 2

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  6. From the PMO:

    October 27, 2006
    Oakville, Ontario

    In a speech to the Oakville Chamber of Commerce, Prime Minister Stephen Harper today laid out the government’s agenda and called upon the opposition to stop blocking change. “This is not what Canadians voted for and it’s not what Canadians want,” said the Prime Minister.

    The Prime Minister highlighted the legislation the government has brought forward in two areas of particular concern to Canadians – accountability and tackling crime.

    The Federal Accountability Act, the most sweeping anti-corruption bill in Canada’s history, was the first piece of legislation tabled by the government upon taking office. With regards to tackling crime, the government has introduced measures to crack down on street racing, raise the Age of Protection, and keep dangerous offenders off the streets.

    However, the Prime Minister added that the opposition parties are using the unelected Senate and committee meetings to undermine the government’s accountability and anti-crime measures.

    “If the opposition disagrees with us, they should do it in the open, not in some committee meeting, not in the unelected Senate, and not by endlessly stalling a democratic vote,” concluded Prime Minister Harper. “It’s time for the opposition to be straight up with Canadians – why are you opposing accountability and tough measures against crime?”
    Why indeed?

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  7. The front page of today's National Post provides two nicely contrasting stories side by side. The first has Bob Rae admitting he was wrong to increase spending . The second has Ontario's present finance minister announcing that he will "spend up to $190-million to counteract an economic slowdown"

    From Bob Rae's "Not The Man He Was" in today's print version of the post:

    My Ontario government was one of many that inherited deficits, then thought we could allow further deficits to get us through the tough times. But "priming the pump" in an effort to create jobs does not work so easily in a globalized, open economy.
    From Mr. Sorbara:

    The new investment, is intended to speed up infrastructure projects, encourage tourism, promote business with Alberta and improve programs for laid-off workers.

    Slower growth in the economy has a real impact on real people and the communities they live in. Our responsibility is to take steps that will mitigate that impact.

    On the same day an ex-NDP Premier tells us that "priming the pump" doesn't work, our present government is telling us they are... priming the pump.

    The parallels are clear as well. The 1992 NDP recession, we are told, was an international recession. This one is, according to Sorbara, because of "a faltering U.S. economy and a strong Canadian dollar."

    It appears the lessons of history is lost on the incompetent.

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  8. On Oct 1st, after attending a Support Our Troops Rally in Toronto, I posted about being affected by seeing Errol Cushley, father of fallen soldier Pte. William Cushley.

    At first, I didn’t notice the man standing in front, and to the right of me: Directly in front of Mr. Lightfoot actually. He had on a red shirt with a picture on the breast. Then Lt. Col. Cliff Trollop, the highest ranking officer in Toronto, and one of the people putting on the rally, came over and talked to him:

    “I noticed the picture on your shirt, is it a relative?” The man, who I can now identify as Errol Cushley...

    William was 21 years old on September 3rd, 2006 and had been in Afghanistan less than a month when he and three others where killed.

    When Mr. Cushley told Lt. Col. Trollope who as on his shirt, Trollope’s head jerked as though somebody punched him in the jaw...
    I cross posted this piece to Let Freedom Reign, where it recieved a few complimentary comments, then faded away. Until yesterday that is.

    Yesterday, Errol Cushley replied with a gracious and moving comment that confirms everything I felt about the man watching him that day. In reposting here, I have cleaned it up a bit for ease of reading. The comment is towards the bottom of the Let Freedom Reign post if you wish to see the original. Thanks to Richard for pointing this one out to me; it helps me remember why I do this blogging thing:

    Thank you for a very moving tribute to my son. I was not aware of it until I recieved an email from England who brought it to my attention.

    I was at the rally soley for the purpose of my son, and all the other soldiers who put their lives on the line every day, and never had the intention to be in the spotlight. That honour is for the troops alone. I agreed to go up only because I thought and hoped that it would help get people behind our troops.

    As you may know William was our only son. He used to say when I asked why he wanted to go on this mission, “pops i really want to make a difference.” I only hope that he has. So for all Canadians who care PLEASE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. You do not have to believe in the mission to support them. I can tell you that the troops themselves do support the mission. They want it brought to a successful conclusion and then come home with the feeling of a job well done. If they come home before, then all like my son William will have died for nothing and the rest of the troops will come home feeling that they have failed. Our troops need to come home as hero's , with thier heads held high and a feeling of a job well done. They are all hero's to me.

    Errol Cushley

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  10. As long as The Speaker is listening to the tapes again, perhaps he could confirm whether David McGuinty was yipping across the floor while The Environment Minister was speaking.

    Where I come from that is rude and disrespectful and, as the Environment Minister Rona Ambrose is a woman, a slap in the face of all women. Canadian women deserve better than to have arrogant men with lofty ideas and lowly positions yapping while they are trying to speak. Really, is it any wonder so few women go into politics?

    I strongly feel David’s inability to let a woman finish a sentence reflects poorly on all McGuinty's. If David McGuinty held any position worthy of resigning from, I would recommend he do it. Alas, he does not and we are forced to demand the resignation of his brother, Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty.


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