1. First it was my local paper using my visual, now it's a major publication. The Toronto Sun's Andy Donato used the fleur de lis Canadian Flag in his cartoon today.

    I should have trademarked it, I'd be up a couple of bucks by now.

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  2. Weird Al Yankovic , that accordion playing freak from the 80's has a new hit, with a parody of Green Days American Idiot. It has apparently struck a nerve, as there are a pile of videos being made of it. The song, Canadian Idiot is a parody of how Americans see us. And hey, we have an accent?!?

    One of the videos is here. I chose this one because in the opening line, "Don't wanna be a Canadian Idiot," a picture of Tom Green comes up: it won my heart right away:

    There are more available here if you don't like this one. Kudos to all video makers who found Saskatchewan on the map.

    In case you don't want to sit through the video, here's the words"

    Weird Al Yankovic - Canadian Idiot Lyrics

    Don't wanna be a Canadian idiot
    Don't wanna be some beer swillin' hockey nut
    And do I look like some frostbitten hose-head?
    I never learned my alphabet from A to Zed

    They all live on donuts and moose meat
    And they leave the house without packin' heat
    Never even bring their guns to the mall
    And you know what else is too funny?
    Their stupid Monopoly money
    Can't take 'em seriously at all

    Well maple syrup and snow's what they export
    They treat curling just like it's a real sport
    They think their silly accent is so cute
    Can't understand a thing they're talkin' aboot

    Sure they got their national health care
    Cheaper meds, low crime rates and clean air
    Then again well they got Celine Dion
    Eat their weight in Kraft macaroni
    And dream of drivin' a Zamboni
    All over Saskatchewan

    Don't wanna be a Canadian idiot
    Won't figure out their temperature in Celsius
    See the map, they're hoverin' right over us
    Tell you the truth, it makes me kinda nervous

    Always hear the same kind of story
    Break their nose and they'll just say "sorry"
    Tell me what kind of freaks are that polite?
    It's gotta mean they're all up to somethin'
    So quick, before they see it comin'
    Time for a pre-emptive strike!

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  3. This may be the most interesting thing John Tory has said or done since he's become the Ontario Conservative leader:

    Conservative Leader John Tory used marijuana as a high school and university student, once favoured lighter sentences for pot traffickers and even drove while "stoned."

    The revelations are contained in a 30-year-old newspaper column that Tory wrote as a law student for Obiter Dicta, the official student newspaper of Osgoode Hall Law School.
    Some Liberal hack has dredges up a 30 year old story penned by Tory in university. In it, he talks of smoking pot, driving while under the influence thereof, and general immature behaviour of the kind we all once did and are somewhat loathe to admit. My favourite bit:
    I know from stoned driving experience that it affects my depth perceptions quite markedly," he wrote.

    "Like the time I was driving down Hwy. 48 and pulled to a stop at a stop sign which was 200 yards further down the highway. Or the time I sat on a hotel bed in a far distant land, convinced that I couldn't speak for more than an hour."
    Man, good dope! This is good too:
    Tory went on to reminisce about the time he and a friend were entering a Lake Simcoe marina with a half pound of marijuana aboard and noticed they were being followed by another boat with a powerful searchlight.

    "I managed to persuade my accomplice not to ditch the stuff so he stuffed it down his pants and we made it to the dock without incident," Tory wrote.
    It's a great article, and the first interesting thing I have heard come from the ever boring Tory.

    One question though. This was leaked by "a Liberal source." Why? Did the Liberals some how think it would hurt Tory that he smoked pot in his university days? Be careful Liberals: This is one boring guy, and stories like this may help him as much as hurt him.

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  6. Back when I was a kid, I used to eat a sandwich made with Peanut Butter and Fluff - a marshmallow spread. They were called Fluffernutters.

    Starting today, a new and hopefully regular feature will appear Saturdays with the weeks pop culture/celebrity type news. Hespeler ET, if you will.

    I regularly want to have a go at some celebrity story, but am aware that it is space filling junk, and many of you may not want to read it. With that in mind, the Saturday feature will allow me to spout off about Tom Cruise - Katie Holmes nuptials, and still stay fairly true to what I envisioned for this Blog (which was no Madonna all the time). As I have lately gone away from political/new blogging on weekends, this will fill the void a little.

    The feature will be called the Saturday FlufferNutter, because it is a bunch fluff about a bunch of nuts, but mostly because I miss my fluffernutters:

    Can't get enough Kramer. Now, some fans are boycotting Seinfeld product. Personally, I have been boycotting the stuff for years, but only because I don't get the entertainment factor from the show that makes me want to spent $50 on the DVDs. But I understand the reaction. I feel that way when entertainers spout off politically. "Shut up and sing," is the term we conservatives use. For me, If your a marginal act on my radar, say the Barenaked Ladies or Sean Penn, I just don't give my money to you. But if your Bruce Springsteen, well you get away with it. So thinking of boycotting Seinfeld, go ahead - why should that jerk get a penny of your money. Unless of course, your really hurting yourself.

    Liked this from the Kirkland article noted above:
    One weak-minded Seinfeld fan who wants no part of a boycott is worried about buying Season 7 when most of the clerks at his video store in L.A. are black.
    What? in all of LA, there is only one video store? For God's sake, go to Walmart.

    Saw Casino Royale this weekend. My comment is thus, if somebody tells you he's the best Bond since, well anybody, ask them if they are a fan of Bond movies. My bet is they aren't really. I am, and he's awful. One car chase in the whole movie, ten seconds in the lame ass Bond rolls the car. One scene he is so love sick puppy-ish I though Sandra Bullock was going to walk by carrying a bag of groceries with a baguette sticking out the top. It was painful! Supposedly its exceptionally written, but it's not an exceptionally written "Bond" movie. After the natural ending, the money is returned, Bond and girl are stowed away together, the movie continues on for another half an hour. Instead of roll credits we get to suffer through some agonizing bit of filming. Long and short of it, in ten years, when he has been digested, Daniel Craig will rate somewhere along with Timothy Dalton and George Lazenby in the Bond range, possibly even behind Dalton.

    OJ Simpson appeared, then disappeared from the news-cycle the past two weeks. While many commentators where saying stuff to the effect "people will buy his book, they always do," I disagree. Every once in a while people see through the hype and the crap - Mariah Carrey's the Confessions of MiMi, Bennifers film catastrophe GiGi to cite two examples. Every once in a while you can underestimate the intelligence of the American consumer. I strongly suspect this was one of those cases, and the publishers figured that out.

    Ask and I shall recieve. Back on September 12th, Bob Seger Day in At Home in Hespeler, I mentioned the upcoming tour, with this proviso:
    Looking forward to seeing you...

    Toronto is on your list if dates, right Bob?

    Well, it was and is. Tuesday January 23rd, Air Canada Centre. Tickets are on sale now.

    Laughed when I read the people in the Italian town of Bracciano are upset that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes didn't stick around after the wedding to mingle with the locals. Did anybody really think they were going to get close to His Cruisness without security clearance and a job to do?

    Proving that he is the devil incarnate, Cruse's wedding has caused grief between David Beckham and his manager, and a rift has developed between Cruise and his close friend John Travolta because Travolta's pal Oprah Winfrey was not on the guest list.

    Two deaths of note this week: condolence to the families of John Allen Cameron and Robert Altman.


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  7. I laughed at this cartoon today from my local paper. But not because it's funny, but because I was there first.

    Here's the cartoon:And here's my photoshop from Wednesday:

    What do you think, was I lifted, or is this just a case of two fools seldom differ-ing?

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  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all the American readers!


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  9. The Blue Blogging Soap box Blogging Tories Site of the Week is Grey Canada, a blog that puts thought into some matters that affect us: Global Warming, charter of rights, equality, supreme court power - the lighter fare.

    Not much, however, on the new Bond movie, or the upcoming Bob Seger show - nothing really, really serious.

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  10. November
    23, 2006

    Ottawa, Ontario

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued
    the following statement to the House of Commons concerning the motion tabled in
    respect of Quebec as a nation:

    "That this House recognize that the
    Québécois form a nation within a united Canada."

    Mr. Speaker,

    true intention of the Bloc leader and the sovereignist camp is perfectly

    It is not to recognize what the Québécois are, but what the
    sovereignists would like them to be.

    For the Bloc, this is not about
    Quebec as a nation; the National Assembly has already pronounced on that. This
    is about separation.

    To them, nation means separation.

    We saw
    his true intentions on October 27, when he said: “…the NDP has recognized for
    decades that Quebec forms a nation, yet every time there is a referendum, they
    act contrary to the positions they’ve taken.”

    In other words, if we
    recognize the Québécois as a nation, we must vote “yes” in a referendum on

    And the Bloc leader’s attempt to lead the Québécois, in good
    faith, to support separation in spite of themselves reminds us of his mentor
    Jacques Parizeau and the “lobster traps”.

    But the Québécois are not
    fooled by these clumsy tactics.

    The former PQ Premier, Bernard Landry,
    posed the following question: “once that recognition is achieved, you have to
    know that you will then be faced with the following question: Why should the
    Quebec nation be content with being the province of another nation and forgo
    equality with your nation and all other nations?”

    The answer is clear,
    because the Québécois have always played an historic role in advancing Canada
    with solidarity, courage and vision, and building a Quebec that is confident,
    self-reliant, united and proud within a Canada that is strong and united,
    independent and free.

    When he landed in Québec City, Champlain did not
    say, “This isn’t going to work: it’s too far, it’s too cold, it’s too
    difficult.” No. Champlain and his companions worked hard because they believed
    in what they were doing, because they wanted to preserve their values, because
    they wanted to build a long-lasting, secure country.

    And that is exactly
    what happened almost 400 years ago: the founding of the Canadian state.

    Mr. Speaker, the Québécois know who they are.

    They know they have
    contributed to Canada’s founding, development and greatness.

    They know
    they have preserved their unique language and culture and promoted their values
    and interests within Canada.

    The question is a straightforward one: do
    the Québécois form a nation within a united Canada? The answer is yes.

    Do the Québécois form a nation independent from Canada? The answer is
    no, and it will always be no.

    All throughout their history, the
    Québécois have always recognized the prophets of doom and the true guides of
    their destiny.

    Because the Québécois since Cartier and Laurier to
    Mulroney and Trudeau have led this country, and millions like them have helped
    to build it.

    And with their English- and French-speaking fellow citizens
    and people of all nationalities from around the world, they made this country
    what it is: the greatest country on Earth, a shining example in a dangerous and
    divided world of the harmony and unity that all peoples have the capacity to

    And we will do what we must, what our forefathers and
    foremothers have always done, and that is to preserve this country—a strong,
    united, independent and free Canada.


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