Change "government plastic" to "government approved plastic" and you have politicians taking their policy ideas from cousin Eddie. When you get your ideas from cousin Eddie, it's probably time to think new career.You know the metal plate in my head? I had it replaced. Every time Catherine revved up the microwave l'd piss in my pants and forget who I was. Over at the V.A., they had it replaced with a plastic one.
That ain't as strong, so I shouldn't go sailing down a hill with nothing between the ground and my brain but a piece of government plastic.
However, never minding that as free Canadians we should have a right to make such determinations for ourselves, what evidence is there that helmets provide any benefit for tobogganers? Looking at studies on bicycle helmets, it is highly questionable whether helmets would save a child that head firsted into a concrete wall at the bottom of a tobaggon run.

That last part is important, as we can logically expect a decrease in tobogganing if helmets were mandated. In the age of childhood obesity, and complete lack of fitness, reduction of any activity could be deadly. (As Olympic Rower Silken Laumann said in her book Child's Play, (I'm paraphrasing from memory) "we protect our kids from broken arms and are giving them heart disease and juvenile onset diabetes instead"). And tobogganing burns 159 calories in a hundred pound child tobogganing for half-an-hour. Never mind the muscles they are using, and the fact they are getting outside on a winter's day.
The last word on this subject goes to Eddie:
The plate runs right underneath my part. Over here is nothing, but if this gets dented, then my hair just ain't going to look right.Is this what it's come to, councillors worried about our hair looking right? Watch those parts, Kids!
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