I have been at two events with union speakers the last month. At the first,
an in plant celebration of the launch of the new Challenger, Jerry Dias, assistant to Buzz Hargrove and, I'm told, the next CAW President, spent his time at the mike taking pot shots at Jim Flaherty. This was a celebratory function. Everyone else talked about the great car, the great company, the great workers. Jerry Dias whined about someone who wasn't there. I was standing beside a guy who was the head of one of our locals chapters (i.e. chairperson for one of the companies), and he says to me with a roll of the eyes, "classy guy."
Ten days later I went to the "hurry up, get the vote in during a long weekend, we only have six months to get this done" ratification vote for a new contract. Local bargaining committee is not even in place yet,
but we have one day to decide on the contract. So naturally you would assume it would be an informative meeting: you would assume wrong.
Instead CAW economist (and
Globe and Mail columnist) Jim Stanford spends over an hour explaining why we had to sign the contract now: note the difference; not why we should like the contract, but justifying the contract they got. The reason they negotiated early, and got us the contract they did: Evil money traders, Stephen Harper, Jim Flaherty. An hour of cheap political shots, very little real information.
I mention these stories to explain to the wife why there's cornflakes all over the kitchen. It's Buzz Hargrove's fault, honey. You see, after these two events, I thought cheap political points where OK, that's what we do. Then I open todays Toronto Sun and
Cheap shots at Premier McGuinty are unfairBy BUZZ HARGROVE
Oh, grow up Buzz!
So when Bob Runciman and Howard Hampton stand in the legislature and question giving money to a company who is laying off a few thousand Ontarians, it's a cheap shot, and unfair to boot (unfair, by the way, is the official whine of the CAW).
On the other hand, attending a corporate celebration, or an unrelated contract ratification meeting, political thoughts are fair game. But doing so in the legislature, not so fair. Or rather, poking Conservatives in the eye, with other peoples money, is fine. Poking Liberals is cause for another bottle to go with the glazed chicken in truffle sauce.
One thing is becoming clear,
I was right three months ago, Buzz is running in the next election, and auto-workers got sold down the river to accommodate that ambition.
Update: Progressive blogger
Mack the Hackistan (i.e. Kevin Wilson) has written a piece for Now Magazine
Blowing off Buzz.
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