All the weeks Fluff stories about all those Hollywood nuts.

The clever, and funny,
Get Smart trounced Mike Myers awful looking
Love Guru at the box office this past weekend, proving funny can work. Smart was clever, living in the past by paying homage to the original TV show, and the present with a witty script and good actors nailing their roles. Love Guru features a double neck sitar for laughs, and the Toronto Maple Leafs winning the Stanley Cup, in case you thought it was a documentary.

The weekly Led Zeppelin update, courtesy of
Ramble On: The Who had a song called
Dr. Jimmy, with some ever so wonderful lyrics:
What is it? I'll take it.
Who is she? I'll rape it.
Got a bet there? I'll meet it.
Getting High? You can't beat it.
Doctor Jimmy and mister Jim
When I'm pilled you don't notice him,
He only comes out when I drink my gin.
I can't help thinking of that song today after hearing that Jimmy Page will now be Dr. Jimmy:
The University of Surrey is proud to confer the honorary degree of Doctor of the University to Jimmy Page for services to the music industry.
Congratulations Dr. Pagey.

Prediction time:
Hells Kitchen is down to the final contestants, Christina and Petroza.
Although the internet buzz is that Christina won and is already at work at the London West Hollywood, my read of the show is that under the radar Petroza has never been made to look bad, and is this pages choice to take home the prize: Executive Chef at Ramsey's new, above mentioned London West Hollywood restaurant.

George Carlin (1937 - 2008). George Carlin was my introduction to comedy. My brother had
Toledo Window Box and we used to listen to it continuously. Being a kid I got great pleasure from the snot and fart jokes.

As I grew older and heard more comedians, Carlin was still always a favourite. His ability to take a simple word and turn it and twist it until you understood every nuance of it was amazing, and for a word guy like me pure genius. Funny too. While his 60's and 70's stuff is the legendary work, his 1986 album
Playin' With Your Head has always been my favourite.
For Canadian content, one of my favourite scenes from his 1994 TV show was the guys in the bar betting on the curling, arguing over whether Moose Jaw or Yellowknife would win.
Whatever you think of Carlin's views, and he was certainly controversial, he was an original thinker and the words comic genius don't seem to be hyperbole.
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