Coming to you from Space TV, the new TV series, Bitten, based on the Kelley Armstrong novel, Bitten.

Quite a few of the blogrolls I am on, to which I am traffic dependant, have not switched me over yet to my new address. Here's a little re-direct for my posts from last evening and this morning.

Britons Reject CFB’s

It Sounds to Me Like… Shock comedian Jean-François Mercier would not be “better off booking more standup.” He’s be better off getting a day job.

And off course, don't forget the BBS Blogging Tories Site of the Week.

After three years, it's time to leave home. Other than some serious downtime when I was converting to new blogger, I have been well served here at However, with possible concerns about what I will be doing to make money it seems a good time to brand myself. This process has begun with At Home in Hespeler moving from it's present location to a new home at my own server.

Hope to see you there.

If you can't stand waiting for Santa to show up, here's a few links to wile away the interminable wait until midnight:

If you are wondering where Santa is, don't worry. Big Brother, who seem to have no currently pressing issues, are tracking Santa for you.

And while you are there, visit the North Pole, a great interactive place to play some Christmas games, including a Reindeer game or two.

This is the third annual annual At Home in Hespeler Dec. 24th gift for my friends of the left. (ribald version, here):

In The Workhouse Christmas Day, by George R. Sims

It is Christmas Day in the Workhouse,

And the cold bare walls are bright

With garlands of green and holly,

And the place is a pleasant sight:

For with clear-washed hands and faces

In a long and hungry line

The paupers sit at the tables,

For this is the hour they dine.

One day a friend of mine says to me, "The wife wants me to create a web site for the cat. What am I supposed to put for content on a cat's website?"

So I went off and wrote A Cat's Christmas for him.

Other years I have offered a taste, and a link. This year I am going to present A Cat's Christmas in a five part series, starting today and ending Christmas morning. Enjoy:

A Cat's Christmas

By Button Noseworthy

Part 4

I slowly make my way down the stairs. It is dark and quiet.

The BBS Blogging Tories Site of the Week for the week of December 21st is:

ChuckerCanuck 2.0

Today's Rebel Is A Conservative

This year's Canadian Blog Awards has just finished and Chuckercanuck is already getting a start on the Best Blog Post Series for next year:

A Canadian Christmas Carol, Chapter 1

A Canadian Christmas Carol, Chapter 2

A Canadian Christmas Carol, Chapter 3

One day a friend of mine says to me, "The wife wants me to create a web site for the cat. What am I supposed to put for content on a cat's website?"

So I went off and wrote A Cat's Christmas for him.

Other years I have offered a taste, and a link. This year I am going to present A Cat's Christmas in a four part series, starting today and ending Christmas Eve. Enjoy:

A Cat's Christmas

By Button Noseworthy

Part 3

Chris is the first one up, and he wakes Janet immediately.

When I didn't hear from the Prime Minister by the weekend, it was occurring to me that he was going to look elsewhere for Senate talent. Who would have thought the politician that owes the most to the blogging world, and the least to the traditional media, whom are always bitching how much he hates them, would put two members of the latter group in the senate? Seriously Prime Minister, your bread is buttered on the other side.

One day a friend of mine says to me, "The wife wants me to create a web site for the cat. What am I supposed to put for content on a cat's website?"

So I went off and wrote A Cat's Christmas for him.

Other years I have offered a taste, and a link. This year I am going to present A Cat's Christmas in a five part series, starting today and ending Christmas morning. Enjoy:

A Cat's Christmas

By Button Noseworthy

Part 2

It's Christmas Eve and the house is silent.
"...a policy of freedom for the individual is the only truly progressive policy..." F.A. Hayek
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